Graduation is a major milestone event filled with pride and accomplishment for students and likewise their families. And CECOS soars high once again mightier than ever before as hundreds of students graduate.

The graduating CECOS College London students, each with their own story and unique struggle to achieve their qualification, walked triumphantly together as part of the graduation ceremony on the 14th October 2022. Students, their families and friends along with the CECOS College staff were formally welcomed to this marvellous event by Mrs Mandy Hobart. The academic staff processed to the stage with pride and their heads held high, embracing the success of their students who they had nurtured as they would their own families. With the Principal, Professor Mark Mabey, congratulating these high achievers, hundreds of students from a wide variety of diverse backgrounds and cultures, saw their dreams come true as they ascended the stage and received their graduation scrolls, proudly displaying their graduation gowns amidst cheers and applause from family and friends. We witnessed the hard work, determination and perseverance of every student who had studied tirelessly towards being part of this day of celebration of achievements.
One moment that stole the attention and hearts of all present, was a young proud mom along with her son receiving the certificate, breaking barriers and being a role model not only for her son but also for everyone proving that anything is possible at any point in life. As poems were recited by Ms. Fatima and a special graduation song sung by Ms. Emma, the event buzzed with energy and enthusiasm as students celebrated their success with their loved ones, swaying along to the song with their hand in the air and their phone lights on.

Dr Mudassir Tanveer closed the official part of the ceremony with a speech confirming that this is just the beginning and we will witness much more in the weeks and months to come. As the students embark on a new journey stepping out of this institution with pride, we can confidently say that CECOS was a part of their journey in shaping their dreams to reality as they move forward into starting their own business, gaining promotion to more responsible roles as part of their career path, or continuing on to more advance studies.
With all the students’ graduation caps being thrown high into the sky marking their success and future dreams, we as a CECOS family promise that we will continue to support the goals of our students, developing their abilities and building their knowledge. No matter what challenges our students face, we know that in becoming successful graduates they will help to change to world and build a better tomorrow for us all.